Just Another Random Discovery

My wife has a few unique traits. One of her most awesome abilities is that she can purchase things and then hide them. She hides them so well that she immediately forgets where she put the item. Last night Jonette remembered that she had a box of assorted Whitman chocolates that she purchased over a week ago and hid. Unfortunately she had no clue where she had hidden the box.

Every day is like Christmas or some other new discovery. Just this morning Jonette found a Tanka Bar. Tomorrow she may rediscover a car or other item that she had stashed for a later date.

The funny part is that she fancies herself an exceptional hider. One Christmas long ago she bragged that she had purchased all my Christmas presents and hid them around the house and that I would never find them. It took me less than 30 minutes to find everything she had so carefully hidden. It is a good thing I found them or they would have been 4th of July presents.

I think my wife is a squirrel, hiding things away for a later time and then not being able to find them again.

About ikcewicasa

Ikcewicasa means common man, and it is a relic of a long abandoned blog. I live in the outskirts of the Greater City of Denver in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. I am GM on a year plus Campaign with some good friends of mine. I also play on Wednesdays at the Highlands Ranch Enchanted Grounds. Tieflings & Tabaxis is a new journey for me. It will include party/campaign stories as seen from the party members and or the GM. I will also discuss some thoughts about D&D5e and other tabletop games. I hope to add other writers to this blog in the future.
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3 Responses to Just Another Random Discovery

  1. Sounds like Jonette is a natural Easter Bunny.

  2. ikcewicasa says:

    she already bought me and hid an easter bunny. I bet I get it on Labor day. Ummm Labor Day bunny.

  3. james says:

    sometimes i hide the things that my wife bought to see if she really needs them.

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